

Cloudfront acts like a reverse proxy in front of your Content Controller Server and the S3 bucket that you use for storing course content. For most connections, it just passes the request to your web tier. For requests for course content, CloudFront authenticates the user via a signed cookie that the application generates, and if the user is allowed, it serves up the content from your S3 bucket.

To get started, you need to have completed at least the Certificate Manager, S3, and Load Balancer and Target Group steps in the Deploying in AWS section before this one, and it will be easiest if you have completed all of the steps.

Signing Keys

We use signed cookies to authenticate requests for content that lives in S3. In order to make this work, you’ll need to generate a pair of signing keys and make them available to the application.

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in pk-********************.pem  -inform PEM -out pk-********************.der  -outform DER

Ansible Config

  • Connect to your Ansible server and go to the ContentController-PublicDeploy folder.
  • Run mkdir -p roles/cloudfront/files to create the files folder, if it doesn’t already exist.
  • Place the pk-********************.der and public-********************.pem files (generated above) in the roles/cloudfront/files folder.
  • Edit the group_vars/cloudfront.yml file and make these changes.
    • Make sure that use_cloudfront is set to true.
    • Set your Access Key ID (created above) for the cloudfront_access_key_id variable.
    • Add the filename (without the path) for your key files similar to this:
      cloudfront_private_key: pk-********************.der
      cloudfront_public_key: public-********************.pem

Create your Distribution

Go to Services -> CloudFront

Create a Distribution for Content Controller

  1. Select the Distributions tab on the left, and click the blue Create Distribution button.
  2. For Origin, enter these values:
  • Origin domain: cc-load-balancer-***** (choose the load balancer you created earlier)
  • Origin Path: leave it blank
  • Origin name: should be auto-filled when you select your load balancer above
  • Minimum origin SSL Protocol: TLSv1.2
  • Origin Protocol Policy: HTTPS Only*
  • Origin Response Timeout: 60
  • Origin Keep-alive Timeout: 5
  • HTTP Port: 80
  • HTTPS Port: 443
  1. For Default Cache Behavior, enter the following values:
  • Compress Objects Automatically: No
  • Viewer Protocol Policy: Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
  • Restrict Viewer Access: No
  • Smooth streaming: No
  • Enable real-time logs: No
  • Cache key and origin requests: Legacy cache settings configured as follows:
  1. For Settings, enter the following values:
  • Price Class: (Choose what you’d like here - we use Use only North America and Europe)
  • AWS WAF Web ACL: None
  • Alternate Domain Names: Enter your cc domain name here (example:
  • SSL Certificate: Custom SSL Certificate, and then choose the certificate you created earlier
  • Legacy clients support: Only Clients that Support Server Name Indication
  • Security Policy: Choose TLSv1 or the TLSv1.2_2021 if you prefer security over browser support. For more details see this AWS documentation on Supported Protocols and Ciphers.
  • Supported HTTP Versions: HTTP/2
  • Default Root Object: blank
  • Logging: On
  • Bucket for Logs: Choose the bucket created in the S3 config earlier with the suffix -logs (example:
  • Log Prefix: cloudfront
  • Cookie Logging: Off
  • Enable IPv6: Off
  1. Click Create Distribution.

Create an S3 Origin

  1. On the CloudFront Distributions page, click the ID of the distribution you just created.
  2. Click on the Origins tab, and click the blue Create Origin button.
  3. For Origin Settings, enter these values
  • Origin Domain Name: Choose the bucket created in the S3 config earlier with the suffix -content (example:
  • Origin Path: leave blank
  • Name: should be auto-filled when you select the S3 bucket above
  • Origin access control: Yes
  • Origin Access Identity: Use an Existing Identity, then choose the OAI you created earlier in the S3 step
  • Grant Read Permissions on Bucket: Yes, Update Bucket Policy
  1. Click Create.

Create S3 Origin Behavior

  1. On the CloudFront Distributions page, click the ID of the distribution you just created.
  2. Click on the Behaviors tab, and click the blue Create Behavior button.
  3. For Settings, enter these values
  • Path Pattern: /courses/*
  • Origin: Choose your S3 origin you created above (example: S3-rustici-demo-cc-content)
  • Compress Objects Automatically: No
  • Viewer Protocol Policy: HTTPS Only
  • Allowed HTTP Methods: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS
  • Cached HTTP Methods: leave unchecked
  • Restrict viewer access: Yes
  • Smooth Streaming: No
  • Cache key and origin requests: Cache policy and origin request policy, create a cache policy using the following screenshot as a guide:
  1. Click Create.

Add CloudFront to Route 53

You’ll want to be able to access Content Controller through your own CNAME instead of using the URL for the CloudFront endpoint. To allow that, we’ll use Route53.

Go to Services -> Route 53

  1. Click on Hosted zones on the left sidebar.
  2. Click on your Public hosted zone created earlier in the Route 53 step. (example:
  3. Click Create Record Set.
  4. In the Create Record Set sidebar, enter the following values
  • Name: Enter the subdomain you wish to host CC on (example: cc)
  • Record type: CNAME
  • Alias: Disabled
  • Value: should be your CloudFront distribution created above
  1. Click Create.


Routing Traffic to an Amazon CloudFront Web Distribution by Using Your Domain Name

Private Content Trusted Signers