Load Balancer and Target Group

We'll need to create a load balancer to distribute traffic to your application server(s). If you use CloudFront and S3, you should use a load balancer - even if you only use 1 application server. We'll also create a target group, which tells the load balancer which servers to distribute traffic to.

Go to Services -> EC2.

  1. Click Load Balancers on the left sidebar, and click Create Load Balancer.
  2. Click Create under Application Load Balancer.
  3. Name it cc-load-balancer, choose internet-facing, and either ipv4 or dualstack (if you want to support IPv6).
  4. Change Load Balancer Protocol to HTTPS (Secure HTTP) and make sure the port is 443.
  5. Select Rustici CC VPC for the VPC.
  6. Under Availability Zones, beside us-east-1a, click Select a subnet..., then choose the public subnet (CC Public 1). Then choose CC Public 2 for us-east-1b.

    Basic Config

  7. Click Next: Configure Security Settings.
  8. Click Choose a certificate from ACM and choose the certificate that you requested or uploaded earlier.
  9. Choose a Security policy. See these AWS SSL Security Policies docs for more details about which one to pick, or take a look at the FAQ Security docs.

    Security Settings

  10. Click Next: Configure Security Groups.
  11. Choose Select an existing security group and select the CC Load Balancer group that you created earlier.


  12. Click Next: Configure Routing.
  13. Choose New Target Group.
  14. Name it cc-prod-target-group, use HTTP and port 80 with a target type of instance. The health checks should be HTTP and the path should be /healthcheck.
  15. Click Next: Register Targets (don't select any instances for now), and then click Next: Review.
  16. Click Create.

Note: You may want to enable deletion protection and access logs for your load balancer. For more information see Access Logs for Elastic Load Balancers.

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